The drinking diet is a system for cleansing the body and reducing body weight. Such a program can be calculated for 7, 14, 30 days. The most common diet is 7 days. Moreover, doctors do not recommend sitting on a drinking diet for 30 days, maximum - 14 days. During this time, you will be able to cleanse your body and lose a certain amount of extra pounds. Those girls who are worried about how much you can throw off on a drinking diet can be delighted that first of all, you will cleanse your body. And this, at times, is much more important than the lost kilograms.
What is the essence of a drinking diet
The essence of the drinking diet is that the digestive system will rest during this period, since it will not receive solid and tough food. This will mean that you will feel a release from the feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach, but at the same time you will lose weight.
The drinking regimen will completely free you from the need to chew food. If you decide to try this type of food, then you should understand that for 7, 14, 30 days you will not chew anything. But this does not mean that you will have a real hunger strike. It's just that the food will be changed to liquid food.
The body will gain useful elements from juices, water, smoothies, cocktails and other drinks. This type of nutrition will make it possible not only to lose weight in only 14 days, but also guarantees the release of the body from toxic substances and pollution. This diet is considered unique due to its low cost and effectiveness.
As a result, when asked how much you can lose on a drinking diet, you can safely say that in 2 weeks you got rid of 7-10 kg. Each case must be considered separately. One person can lose less and another person can lose much more. After all, it all depends on the starting weight and the more it is, the more you will be able to throw off. Thus, if your weight is 100 kg, then you can lose 7-10 kg in 2 weeks, but girls with a weight of, for example, 60 kg in 2 weeks will not be able to lose about 10 kg.
What can you eat
This method of weight loss is calculated for a period of 14 days without eating solid food.
Note! In the traditional version, only one water must be consumed for 14 days. We do not recommend that you do this in any case, since it is quite difficult and extremely dangerous for the body.
To avoid subsequent health problems, the dietary plan permits the consumption of any liquid food. A similar principle will make it possible to relieve the feeling of hunger and supply the body with all the necessary elements. When dieting, it is allowed to consume the following liquids:
- Water. . . During the entire dietary plan and during the exit period, you should definitely consume at least 2 liters of water. It must be purified, non-carbonated and free of dyes. If you decide to sit exclusively on water, then you need to prepare your body for such loads. First, start gradually eliminating food, and after the end of the diet, you cannot rush to the food - also gradually add your usual food to the diet. But keep in mind that you cannot starve for more than 3 days. Changes will begin in the body that will not lead to anything good.
- Bouillon. . . It is allowed to cook on meat and vegetables. Chicken, beef, veal, vegetable sets can be used as meat broths. The basic rule is that you absolutely cannot resort to canned soups, which can often be found in briquettes in supermarkets. It is not recommended to use salt, but there is no complete ban. Onions and peppers cannot be used from vegetables, as they help whet the appetite.
- Lactic acid products. . . The main condition is low fat content. It is allowed to consume kefir, fermented baked milk, milk. The fat percentage is not more than two. Yogurt is allowed, but it must be natural, also with a low percentage of fat.
- Freshly squeezed juices. . . It is recommended to spin it yourself from fresh vegetables or fruits. Sugar cannot be added. Also banned and purchased juices in stores, especially in cardboard packaging, since such juices contain a large amount of preservatives, and the mass fraction of juice in them, as a rule, may not exceed 40-50%. An excellent choice for juice would be grapefruit, it is recognized as an active fat burner. You shouldn't use grapes for juice as they contain a lot of sugar.
- Tea. . . The consumption should be sugar-free. The tea leaves are allowed to be used to your taste. Give preference to custard teas over packaged teas.
- Compote, jelly. . . Cooking should also be sugar-free. Do not buy jelly in briquettes in stores - this is the most harmful product for losing weight. Cook it yourself. The same rule applies to compote.
The distribution of the listed drinks by day is allowed, and it is also possible to combine them on the same day. Water and tea can be drunk indefinitely. All other liquids should be consumed within certain limits. You shouldn't overeat, you should just satisfy your hunger.
Advantages and disadvantages
The drinking diet has its positive and negative aspects.
- High performance. This diet plan is widely known for its effectiveness. How much can you lose weight on a drinking diet? In 14 days, you have the opportunity to lose from 7 to 15 extra pounds. Thanks to a change in the habitual diet, the body will begin to actively burn excess fat, which will give you a chance to get your flawless figure.
- Cleansing the body of harmful toxins and toxins. A lot of liquid can remove almost all harmful elements, toxic compounds and toxins from the body. It will improve digestion and metabolism in the body.
- Reduction of stomach volumes. Due to the lack of solid food, the digestive tract will stop enlarging, this will be the first step towards a dream figure. Over time, it will even begin to shrink, thanks to this, the hanging belly will disappear. This process is triggered by a characteristic feature of the stomach itself.
The negative impact on the body will be expressed in a single, but rather serious negative consequence. This disadvantage can even scare off many people who want to lose weight with a liquid diet.
The liquid does not provide the opportunity to fully get the feeling of fullness and get the required minerals and vitamins for proper metabolism. Hunger can disrupt the functioning of the entire body, which can lead to illness. If you find such signs on yourself, be sure to contact a specialist.
For those who do not have chronic diseases, this method of losing weight will not harm. The body under stress will burn fat, due to which the process of fat burning will take place. The basic rule is that you should not be hungry, drink more liquids and this will give you the opportunity to fill your stomach.
How many kilograms can you lose
Many women and even men may wonder how many pounds can you lose on a drinking diet? The number of kilograms lost mostly depends on the initial body weight and the duration of the diet. Do not forget that the number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1500 units.
- When following a one-day or three-day diet,you can lose up to 3 kg. . .
- In 7 days with correct adherence to the planyou can get rid of 7 kg. . .
- For 14 daysweight can be reduced by 12 kg. . .
- How much can you lose on a drinking diet in a month? Within 30 days of following a drinking dietyou can lose up to 18 kg. . .
The main thing is the correctness of the diet, do not starve, drink water at least 2 liters.
Real results
Based on the results and reviews from many followers of this method of losing weight, it can be concluded that the diet really brings results. Nutrition belongs to the category of complex ones, it is difficult to adhere to an exclusively drinking diet, but if you made preparation a week before the diet itself, then it will be much easier for the body to get used to such a regime.
Be sure not to forget about the correct way out of such a diet, and then the lost kilograms will definitely not come back to you.