The best weight loss exercises

exercises for weight loss at home

Exercises that you can do without leaving your home, while allowing you to lose weight.

Everyone wants to be slim, attractive, with an ideal body shape. However, not everyone can afford to go to the gym, swimming pool, because it takes a lot of time, and, of course, it is money costs.

Therefore, you can monitor your form at home, performing some sets of exercises.

An important feature of starting weight loss classes at home is setting a goal to move towards, and willpower is also important. After all, if there is no willpower, desire, then it will be very difficult to cope with extra pounds. Doing home fitness requires consistency, if you take breaks, then the final result will not lead to anything.

Specialist recommendations

Here are some tips for home fitness: so, in addition to exercise, you also need to develop a diet - this is a mandatory item for an ideal figure. You can not eat food 2 hours before training and about an hour after it. During home workouts, you need to take a small amount of liquid - this should be ordinary drinking water.

It is also necessary to ventilate the room where the workout will take place well before starting classes, and after finishing take a warm shower. An important feature is the clothes and shoes in which you practice, they should not hinder movement and be comfortable, so that it is convenient to move. Also, if you are determined to lose weight, then you also need to purchase sports equipment: these are dumbbells of various weights, a special rug, a narrow bench, and a gymnastic hoop.

So, let's start doing the best exercises to lose weight at home.

slimming squats

An important feature is that you need to start with a little warm-up. It prepares the muscles for physical activity to prevent any sprains or injuries.

We begin the warm-up with a 5-minute walk, and then jogging in place with high knees. After we perform inclinations in different directions for two to three minutes, it is necessary to finish the warm-up, with exercises such as alternating rotation with the shoulders, elbows, and then the hands, doing this also for about 5 minutes.

The main set of exercises for losing weight at home must start with squats, which allows you to remove extra pounds from the buttocks and inner thighs. You need to do about 20 squats at a time.

Squatting technique: keep your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your waist, squatting to take a deep breath, and straightening to the starting position, we exhale.

The next exercise is to lunge each leg forward to create leaner legs. Exercise technique: we do one naked, for example, the right wide step forward, and the knee of the other leg should touch the floor. In this case, the arms should be at the waist and we do about 30 approaches, alternating legs.

The next exercise is aimed at improving the shape of the chest, because during training, the chest muscles become weaker. This exercise requires a bench and dumbbells. The technique of this exercise: we lie down on a bench, take dumbbells in our hands, spread them to the sides, take a breath, then bring our hands together behind our head, exhaling. In this case, the mass of the dumbbell must be gradually increased.

Now exercises for the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Thanks to this exercise, you can remove excess congestion in the waist, and also allows you to strengthen the lower muscles in the abdomen. Exercise technique: you need to lie on the mat, bend your legs at the knees, when inhaling, raise them high up, and when exhaling, lower them to their original position.

The next exercise is as follows: we fix the feet to the floor, while the legs should be bent at the knees, it is necessary to rise to the shoulder blades.

The following exercise is aimed at removing fat in the waist and buttocks, here we need a halahup hoop, we need to twist it for 20 minutes without interruption. If you want to give a load to the calves, then it is enough to stand on the floor on the toes, then lower to the starting position.

slimming hoop exercises

Gradually, this set of exercises for losing weight at home can be diversified by adding or replacing one or another exercise with another, but this is at your discretion.

So, to summarize, in order to lose weight, we need: firstly, this desire, and secondly, an integral part of training is to be in the fresh air more, and also to develop a proper diet, in the diet of which vegetables and fruits should be present. You can arrange a fasting day for your body once a week. Following all these recommendations after a while, you will successfully achieve a beautiful and slender figure.

Be in great physical shape, because this is the key to a good mood.

Reviews and recommendations for losing weight

"At the same time, my friend and I began to regularly perform a certain set of classes and fulfill all the instructions of our video trainer.

The sensations were wonderful, firstly, we remembered all the lessons from the school physical education program, and secondly, we learned a lot of new and useful things, how to perform tasks correctly and which muscle groups should be "bet" on when losing weight.

The result was stunning, minus 8 kg per month, and that's not all. The body became slender and elastic, the bumps in problem areas smoothed out, the muscles of the arms of the legs became pumped up and strong.

At home, we still did various wraps and did self-massage in the abdomen and thighs.

Yes, it is imperative to control your diet, more plant foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. There is no place for sweet pastries and cold cuts. The lighter you feel inside, the freer you feel outside.

Now we took a break, according to the doctor's recommendations, but after a few months we will start classes again.

We wish you to find the strength to change your life and make it brighter and more beautiful! "