All about how the watermelon diet is observed, minus 10 kg per week, along with which, they will leave quickly

In search of the ideal way to lose a few pounds, you can really spend an eternity, because today there is really a huge number of methods specially designed for this. However, it is the watermelon diet that deserves attention, minus 10 kg per week with which it will become not just a dream, but a reality and, at the same time, a very tasty reality.

Why? - everything is very simple. As it should have become clear, the main ingredient in this technique is precisely the watermelon and, probably, there is no person who would not agree that it is really extremely tasty.

In addition, the use of watermelon as the main ingredient also means:

  1. That this technique can be used even for diabetics
  2. Pregnant
  3. It is absolutely harmless (however, there are still some contraindications, see the "Contraindications" paragraph).
  4. The diet is based only on natural products
  5. Virtually no significant cuts in other food intake
  6. And understand that its use is possible only once a year.

Why only once a year

Always remember! That regardless of the diet, if it recommends eating fruits or vegetables, it means necessarily fresh fruits and vegetables, and this technique was no exception. Thus, this diet should be applied precisely in the interval between August and September, when you can really buy freshly ripe watermelon. This is extremely important! So pay special attention to this requirement!

In order to choose a ripe watermelon, but not overripe, pay attention to its weight (should be about 8-10 kg), size and, as everyone probably knows, squeeze it a little, while it should crunch.

Why watermelon

Of course, because of its unusual structure, since it consists of 90% only water, which makes it possible to guarantee truly maximum efficiency from the diet. Watermelon is extremely rich in iron and at the same time very low in calories.

watermelon for weight loss

Diet principle

The essence of the diet is extremely simple. For 5 days (the duration of the diet, it is forbidden to increase it further, because, in the end, it will become harmful to the body, since, together with toxins, watermelon juices can wash calcium out of the body). For every 10 kilograms of your weight, you need to consume 1 kilogram of watermelon per day, however, it should be noted that the main thing in this diet is not its process, but how to get out of it, since the likelihood that the entire effect, roughly speaking, will go awaydown the line, extremely high.

Exit stage ration

The very stage of leaving the diet lasts about a week (at least two days longer than the diet itself) and at the same time, every day the diet is almost identical.

  • Breakfast. You should start with a bowl of porridge (rice, oatmeal, etc. ) and a small serving of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch is more iridescent, because it consists of fish, meat (necessarily boiled, dietary) and a small portion of vegetable salad.
  • For dinner, eat watermelon again according to the rules already established for the diet itself (the ratio of the norm to your weight).

Everything is extremely simple, but you must strictly follow these rules.

As a result, your body will be completely cleansed of all slag and extra pounds will not be able to remain, which will simply go away with them.

watermelon slices for weight loss

How to make sure that watermelon is natural

In order to check the watermelon for naturalness (or, in other words, for the absence of chemicals), you still have to buy it first. After that, cut it open and take a small piece, which you simply put in a glass of water. After a while, see if the water turns the color of watermelon juice. If so, the chemistry is present in it and it is definitely not ripe. In this case, you can not use it specifically for the purpose of the diet. In order to make sure of its ripeness, also pay attention to its tail, around or near which, the watermelon should not be very green.

In addition, carefully inspect the watermelon, as it should not be a circle of one "Even" color. One of the sides must necessarily be a little yellowish, since such an effect arises from its long interruption on the ground (when it grows). This will also indicate naturalness and ripeness, because the strengthening of this color occurs only when the watermelon is already ripe and thus, you can always be sure of this.


As already mentioned, the diet has some contraindications, and if you fall into one of the categories of these people, in no case should you use this technique, since this will only harm.

List of contraindications:

  1. Contraindicated for allergy sufferers
  2. For people suffering from kidney stones (because they can simply harm the kidneys, as the body will try to remove them as well).
  3. Diet is forbidden for diarrhea
  4. Diet is forbidden for constipation
  5. It is also prohibited if there are problems with urination.
  6. For disorders of the stomach
  7. In the presence of an ulcer, etc.

Even at the very beginning of this article, it was said how important it is to choose a ripe, fresh and completely natural watermelon, but it is also necessary to talk about the consequences of choosing the opposite watermelon for all points. So, for example, it can cause diarrhea, which is associated with a large amount of chemistry with which it is simply pumped up.

sliced ​​watermelon for weight loss

Note: it should be noted that this technique really provides a high rate of effectiveness, however, a watermelon diet can still guarantee minus 10 kg per week for all people, since this also depends on the characteristics of the body (metabolism rate, age, etc. ). ). However, in most cases, with proper observance, it is still possible to get closer to this mark because the watermelon diet is simple, tasty and as affordable as possible.